Dustfarm Reel

Directed by Ross S. Anderson

A collection of some of our favourite work

Produced by dustfarm

CHS Awards

Directed by Ross S. Anderson

Motion graphics of photographs and video taken at the CHS Awards – used as a promo for both the awards and Alrose Productions.

Directed, Animations

Produced by DUSTFARM

Bayfields – TLU

Directed by Ross S. Anderson

An animation for social media platforms… produced for (and at) our good friends – Rascal Creative


Design by JJ Amos

Produced by Rebecca Oldfield

Directed, Animations

Produced by Rascal

Bayfields – BOGOHP

Directed by Ross S. Anderson

An animation for social media platforms… produced for (and at) our good friends – Rascal Creative


Design by JJ Amos

Produced by Rebecca Oldfield

Directed, Animations

Produced by Rascal

Regency Pizza – Social Media

Directed by Ross S. Anderson

An animation for social media platforms… produced for (and at) our good friends – Rascal Creative


Design by JJ Amos

Produced by Rebecca Oldfield

Directed, Animations

Produced by Rascal

Rascal Showreel

Directed by Ross S. Anderson

A fast paced edit of Rascal’s fantastic work that we’ve been lucky enough to be involved in – a re-brand featuring all the typography in the world… produced for (and at) our good friends – Rascal Creative

Creative by Alison McGann, Ross S. Anderson

Produced by Rebecca Oldfield

Directing, Editing, Motion animations, Sound, Colour

Produced by Rascal

Ben & Jerry’s – Explosions

Directed by Ross S. Anderson

A suite of Ben & Jerry’s commercials using mix media formats (utilising stop motion, VFX and 2.5d) and made for all digital platforms… produced for (and at) our good friends – Rascal Creative

Creative by Alison McGann, Ross S. Anderson

2.5d Animation by Jack Shillingford

Produced by Rebecca Oldfield


Chunky Monkey

Cookie Carnival

Chock Chip Cookie Dough

Chocolate Fudge Brownie

Directing, Cinematography, VFX, Stop -Motion animations, Sound, Colour

Produced by Rascal